Welcome to Island Park Dental, Ottawa’s leading dental clinic renowned for providing exceptional Scaling and Root Planing services. Under the skilled guidance of Dr. Saral Rai, we commit to delivering professional and comprehensive dental care tailored to your individual needs.
Scaling and Root Planing is a specialized dental treatment focused on maintaining gum health and preventing periodontal diseases. This non-surgical procedure aims to meticulously clean below the gum line, removing harmful plaque and tartar build-up that can lead to inflammation and gum disease.
Dr. Saral Rai, a distinguished dental practitioner at Island Park Dental, is dedicated to ensuring the highest standard of care. With a thorough diagnostic approach, Dr. Rai evaluates the condition of your gums, the extent of tartar build-up, and the progression of any periodontal disease before recommending the best course of action.
At Island Park Dental, your smile and oral health are our top priorities. Under the expert care of Dr. Saral Rai, our Scaling and Root Planing services are more than just treatments – they are a step towards a healthier, happier you. Book your appointment today and experience the difference at Ottawa’s top dental clinic.